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Ellis Family – Frisco Family Photographer

October 25, 2018

Filed in: Uncategorized

It seems like every weekend rain is in the forecast.  Luckily, Kris and Tara’s has been the only one that has had to be rescheduled so far.  Tara wanted family photos of their new family of three as well as 1/2 birthday photos of their sweet baby boy, and while I feel like the weathermen are wrong 80% of the time, their rain forecast on the weekends has been spot on.  I knew it wouldn’t work for their family shoot, and luckily I had someone else move their spot around which made it easy to reschedule.

The last time I saw Tara, Kris, Bowen, and their dog Abby, was at their newborn shoot 6 months ago.  And if I didn’t think Bowen is the spitting image of his daddy 6 months ago, I definitely think so now.  He is his carbon copy.  Tara even joked that she was just “the oven” in that situation!  Bowen was such a doll.  The way he looked at his momma and daddy was just precious.  He gave his biggest smiles when they were the ones talking to him instead of me.

Watching a couple turn into a family is precious.  There is something so special about that first born, that only child, the one where you feel like you have no idea what you are doing, but you love that baby more than you ever thought possible.  I love watching that love, between momma and baby, daddy and baby, and momma and daddy.


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